Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our Ministry Team is committed to providing opportunities to serve & minister to our church and community! From family gatherings to outreach programs, they coordinate each event for the purpose of spiritual growth.

Our Supported Missionaries
Theo & Bri M. - Africa
Theo is a Regional Strategy Coordinator for Africa. Theo and Bri consider it their mission to achieve God's calling to rescue, restore, and transform lives that are daily perishing without knowing the Savior.
Janyne J. - Europe
Janyne has been making disciples in Europe since 1998.
Nathan S. - South America
Nathan is doing ministry in South America.
Josh & Sarah H. - Europe
Josh and Sarah's focus is building relationships with Europeans in order to bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and disciple them on how to live in Him and bring others to Him as well.
David M. - Middle East
David is making disciples in the Middle East.
Pete DeBonte - USA
Pete serves full time at Sonset Solutions.
Tom Parsons - USA
Tom serves in Elkhart County Jail Ministry.